Instagram Artist Tips

Instagram Artist Tips: Do’s & Dont’s

Instagram is the ideal social platform for artists and other creatives.  It offers great opportunities for exposure, networking, and just finding staggering inspiration from some of the world’s best contemporary artists.


Few Final Instagram Artist Tips

  • Do use Relevant Hashtags (minimum 11), but be careful of using too many popular hashtags like #art, as you will only be featured for a few seconds
  • Be social on Instagram, follow, like and comment on other account’s posts too.  Especially when you are just starting out it can be a nice way to create exposure to your account, if somebody decides to check out your account
  • Use your analytics to see when your followers are on Instagram.  Personally, I experience that between 5 – 9pm is my best times

Also read how to get your First 1000 Instagram Followers

If you want to learn more about Instagram, I also offer workshops (minimum 5 people) or one-on-one workshops.  WhatsApp 083 400 2864 for more information or email